Jello Videos

DUSTBUNNY is a video featuring a single rectangle of gelatin. The rectangular gelatin “slab” is photographed and modified through filters and gifs. The “slab” is transformed through color and movement but retains its original form. The title "DUSTBUNNY" refers to the stuff that builds up and forms under the bed, often dismissed and left to "magically generate" on its own.

PROCESS This Process video features Interdisciplinary artist Roxy Savage working in her "kitchen/studio," mixing alchemic recipes to create bioplastic jell-O for gelatin sculptures and videos.

"RELAY" is a stop-motion animated video featuring jello balls, a gelatin rectangle, and pink mirrors. The title "RELAY" encompases the audio “conversations” between two Hawaiian songbirds and the visual chain reactions of the "jelly balls" circling the space.