Lady Labor / Mermaid Gate and Bubblr

”Mermaid Gate + The Bubblr”
Lady Labor at ArtStream: site-specific public art
Kingston, NY
“Mermaid Gate” is a twenty-foot span of luminous holographic fringed curtain installed atop the gate leading into ArtBuoy, Kingston, NY. The Bubbler is a subterranean bubble sculpture. Both of these artworks are on view at “ArtStream,” a curated site-specific public art exhibition situated along Rondout Creek.

“Mermaid Gate 1” Lady Labor
Exhibition: Joy Ride
Kingston, NY
Mermaid Gate is the prototype sculpture for Mermaid Gate. This stand-alone sculpture invites people to engage with the work by passing through the iridescent fringe.

Mer-maiding is a collaborative instructional video that explores female transformation and imagined states of being.